
What a Pterygium Removal Can Do for Your Eyes

A pterygium is a benign lump of tissue that grows on the eye. The pterygium will begin growing on the nasal corner of your eye. It will not cause any problematic symptoms until it starts to cover the cornea. Once this occurs, then your vision will be slightly hindered. You may also start to experience some discomfort in the eye. Since there is no way to know exactly how long it will take for your pterygium to cause troubling symptoms, it is best to get it treated early. The only way to effectively repair your eye is with a pterygium removal procedure.

The exact cause of a pterygium is currently unknown, but it usually occurs after spending a lot of time outside in the sun. The ultraviolet rays in the sunlight will damage the eyes if they are not protected by sunglasses. If this damage is allowed to occur for many years, then you are very susceptible to developing a pterygium. Allergies and chronically dry eyes will also increase your risk of getting this eye condition.

Once you have been officially diagnosed with a pterygium, your removal surgery can be planned. The procedure is performed in the comfort of our office. Since this is a minimally-invasive procedure, you will be able to go home shortly after the pterygium removal surgery. While you may still be dealing with a few side effects, you can return to work in the days after the removal surgery.

Since the pterygium tissues are physically removed, you should see great results from your surgery. You will instantly regain any vision loss that was caused by the unwanted growth. There will be a very small chance of another pterygium developing on your eye after the surgery, so you must take great care of your eyes. Getting regular eye exams, limiting your exposure to the sun and using eye drops when your eyes get dry are the best ways to avoid a recurrence of your pterygium.

Learn more about pterygium removal during a consultation with Dr. Patel at Wichita Vision Institute in Wichita. Contact us today to book your consultation!