
Suffering From Dry Eyes? Try LipiFlow!

Meibomian gland dysfunction is a common disease that blocks the oil glands in the eyes, which prevents the tears from getting enough oil. If the tears do not get enough oil, then they will evaporate quickly after being exposed to air. Since this evaporation prevents the tears from properly lubricating the eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction is the leading cause of chronic dry eyes. The best way to treat your dry eyes and eliminate your painful symptoms is by undergoing the LipiFlow® procedure.

LipiFlow® is a medical treatment specifically designed to treat dry eyes by removing any blockages caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. The patented LipiFlow® device gently heats and massages the eyelids. This combination of thermal heat and pressure safely removes any obstructions in the meibomian gland. Once the blockage is removed, your tears will be able to properly lubricate the eyes. This will help remove any dryness, redness and discomfort.

You will have to undergo an extensive eye exam before starting the treatment. The exam is done to make sure your dry eyes are being caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. This procedure can only be performed on patients suffering from this common medical condition. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, then you can move forward with the treatment process.

You will not have to endure any downtime after undergoing the LipiFlow® procedure. This means that you will be able to go home immediately after getting treated. The lack of a recovery period and short treatment process makes this the perfect procedure to get completed around your other daily activities.

If you’re dealing with dry eyes, you know how unpleasant the condition can be. Make an appointment at Wichita Vision Institute to learn more about how LipiFlow® can help you. Contact us today to book a consultation at our office in Wichita, KS!