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Does Juvederm Look Natural?

If you have been thinking about getting a cosmetic treatment like Juvederm, you may be wondering whether or not it will look natural. When you visit Wichita Vision Institute in Wichita, KS, you can expect safe and effective results. Here’s everything you should know about your treatment.

Does Juvederm Look Natural?

As you’ve gotten older, you’ve probably noticed some pretty significant changes to your skin. You may find that your skin is wrinkling or appears looser or has started to sag. This is a normal occurrence for everyone, but it’s not necessarily a welcome change. You may feel more self-conscious about your appearance with these changes.

If you’re looking for a way to maintain a more youthful appearance, there are some effective treatments available that will do exactly that. One of them is Juvederm. This dermal filler will offer you noticeable and effective but still natural-looking results that will help you feel your best again.

What Is Juvederm?

This is an injectable filler that is applied to the desired areas of your face with a fine and precise needle. The product is made with an ingredient called hyaluronic acid. This is a naturally occurring chemical that helps your face look full and maintain its hydration. There are several different formulations of this filler. Each one is designed to target a different area of your face.


One of the places where volume loss is most noticeable in a person’s face is the cheek area. Your cheeks are one of the most voluminous parts of your face. So, when you begin to lose that volume, it tends to be fairly noticeable.

This formula is specifically designed to target your cheeks. Your cheeks will look rounder and fuller. Providing more volume to your cheeks will also help you add more definition to your cheekbones, as well as lift sagging skin to reduce the appearance of jowls.


Wrinkles are generally caused by a combination of volume loss and repeated facial movements. That’s why it’s very common to see wrinkles develop around the mouth area. As you eat, speak, and make facial expressions, lines that form when you do the actions become permanent.

You may have noticed smile lines, for instance, which are the lines running from the corners of your nose to the corners of your mouth. While some people take these lines as a sign they’ve laughed or smiled a lot in their lives, others dislike the way they age their appearance. Juvederm’s Vollure formula is a perfect solution to this issue.


Thin lips can make you look more severe than you really are. There are lots of reasons why a person may have particularly thin lips. They may have gotten thinner as a result of aging, or you might simply naturally have very thin lips.

Volbella is designed to put volume back into the lips, helping them appear fuller and more youthful. You can also use this formula if you have uneven lips and want to help them look more symmetrical.

How Does It Work?

When you receive this treatment, a very fine needle will be used to apply the product to the targeted areas. As soon as it’s injected, the hyaluronic acid will take up space beneath the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and lifting any sagging.

Full results will be noticeable within a week or two. The hyaluronic acid will also help to stimulate your skin’s natural production of collagen, which is what helps give your skin its elasticity. This means that not only will you be reducing the appearance of wrinkles that have already formed on your skin, but you’ll be helping to prevent new ones from forming.

What Is Getting Treatment Like?

Preparing for the Injections

Because this is a non-invasive treatment, preparing for your appointment is generally very easy. There are just a few things you will need to be mindful of before you head to the clinic. Your practitioner will give you a full list of instructions detailing what you should do before your appointment.

The main thing to be mindful of is avoiding substances that could render treatment ineffective. This includes alcohol and tobacco, as well as certain over-the-counter medications like Advil. These substances could thin your blood, putting your skin at higher risk of bruising during treatment.

Your Appointment

When you arrive at our clinic to receive your treatment, you can trust that you are in good, professional hands. Before applying the injections, Dr. Patel will begin your appointment by carefully cleaning your skin. This prevents any bacteria from entering along with the product. Once the skin is clean, we can mark the areas where we’ll apply the product.

Because only a very small needle is used during treatment, the entire process should be pain-free and have minimal discomfort. Treatment is also generally very fast, taking less than an hour. Once your treatment is done, you’ll be free to leave the clinic right away.

After Your Appointment

As a non-invasive treatment, your injections should heal very quickly. You should also experience minimal discomfort as your skin heals.

There are just a few things to be cautious of as your skin heals. For the next few days, you will need to stay out of direct sunlight, as your skin will be much more sensitive. You will also need to avoid any activities that could make you sweat excessively. Your practitioner will provide you with more instructions.

Who Should Get Juvederm?

People Who Want Something Safe

If you are looking for a cosmetic treatment, safety is likely one of your main concerns. It’s important to make sure that you are getting something that’s both effective and safe. Unfortunately, some treatment options have higher risks than others.

One of the major benefits of this particular treatment is that it is formulated to be incredibly safe. Its main ingredient, hyaluronic acid, is already naturally present in your skin. As long as you have not experienced any sensitivities to similar products in the past, this should be a safe option for you.

People Who Want Something Non-Invasive

Treatment options like surgical procedures may work well for people who want something permanent. However, you should be aware that surgical procedures are much more invasive than injectables. This may not be ideal for you.

If you want something non-invasive, a filler like this one is a great alternative. Because it’s non-invasive, treatment is generally very fast, and you can leave the clinic as soon as it’s done. You also won’t need to worry about taking time off work or dealing with a lengthy and uncomfortable healing process.

People Who Want Something Long-Lasting

Another major benefit of this particular filler is that it is designed to last a long time. Some dermal fillers last only a few months. This is fine for some people, especially people who aren’t certain if they’ll like the results they’re getting.

But this filler will last much longer. If you want something low-maintenance that will allow you to keep your results for a long time, this is the treatment for you. As long as you follow your practitioner’s instructions and take good care of your skin post-treatment, you can expect your results to last for one to two years.

People Looking for Quick Results

If you’re looking for ways to help your face look younger, getting quick results is likely important to you. Anyone who wants to see a noticeable change in their appearance as soon as possible should consider this treatment.

Most people will see a difference in the way their skin looks as soon as treatment is done. Over the next week or so, the full results of your treatment will become obvious. That said, don’t worry about the results being too jarring. You’ll still get a natural-looking appearance from this treatment.

People Looking for Prevention

You can use cosmetic treatments like this one to treat wrinkles that have already appeared. But one of the best ways to deal with wrinkles is by preventing them in the first place.

This treatment offers an effective way to do exactly that, helping you avoid things like sagging and wrinkling altogether.

Book a Consultation Today

If you are thinking about getting any kind of cosmetic treatment, it’s important to go to the right place. Dr. Patel is ready to provide you with the safe, effective treatment you’re looking for. Get in touch with us today at Wichita Vision Institute in Wichita, KS.