
Using IPL Laser for Eye Treatments

If you are suffering from dry eye, you know that it can make your daily life miserable. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it can make you extremely uncomfortable. Dry eye results when your eye is not producing tears like it normally would. As a result, you are not getting the lubrication that you should. The end result means your eyes feel dry all the time. Your eyes may be inflamed and extremely sensitive to light. Your tear glands and tear duct aren’t doing their job. You can buy over-the-counter drops to act as lubricants or ask your eye doctor about prescription drops. However, these remedies may not be enough. If you are tired of stopping every few minutes to add more drops, consider the IPL laser to treat your dry eye.

Restore Moisture to Your Eyes

Your eyes are too important to ignore them when something isn’t right. If you are experiencing discomfort from dry eye, you need to address it. The IPL laser offers you an effective alternative. It varies from traditional lasers in that it is based on the use of a bright light that is used in combination with filters. Intense pulsed light is focused on the skin beneath your eyes. As a result, it can improve the functioning of your tear duct or be directed at your tear glands. You can experience the benefits of moist eyes once again after your treatment.

What Can You Expect from an IPL Laser Treatment?

Treatment sessions are performed in the office and they are short. It only takes about fifteen minutes. Once your treatment is over, Dr. Patel may focus on your meibomian glands. These glands are found at the rim of your eyelid. They usually produce an oily substance that helps your eyes to maintain moisture. Dr. Patel can apply a gentle amount of pressure on the glands to secrete the oily substance. This will help to address your dry eye symptoms. Expect several treatments that are scheduled a month apart in order to have optimal results. You should protect your eyes and the treated area from the sun after your treatment. If you feel any discomfort or have red skin after your session, that will improve within hours on the same day.

Learn More About the Benefits of the IPL Laser for Eye Treatments

If you are living with the challenge of dry eye, it’s time to find an effective solution. Put down the bottle of eye lubricant and make an appointment at the Wichita Vision Institute. When you have your consultation, we will evaluate your eyes and determine if the IPL laser can help you. If it is recommended, ask Dr. Patel about the treatments, what you should expect, and if there is anything you can do to prepare for your treatment session. Call us today to schedule a consultation!