
Eye Doctors in Wichita, KS: What are the Benefits?

A common myth is that visiting an eye doctor is only for people who have problems with their vision. The truth is that just because a person has 20 /20 vision, this does not mean that they should skip their eye doctor visits. The benefits that eye doctors in Wichita, KS provide go beyond concerns about your vision. They are actually focused on your overall health.

Your eyes are windows into your body. Your eyes can tell a doctor a lot about current health problems as well as give indications about problems that may present themselves in the future. The following are a few reasons why it is beneficial to visit to an ophthalmologist.

Looking into the Back of Your Eyes

There are certain conditions that an ophthalmologist can identify by looking at the back of your eyes. When your eyes are dilated, they can check for evidence of diabetes or high blood pressure. This evidence may be visible a long time before you actually start experiencing symptoms. Your optic nerve sits in the back of your eyes. This optic nerve is a part of your neural system. When a person is battling with neurological diseases, they often present themselves first in the nerves of the eyes. Our ophthalmologist can identify these and give you steps to prevent further symptoms.

Reviewing Corrective Surgery

Some mistakenly believe that if they get corrective surgery, such as LASIK, there is no reason for them to ever visit an ophthalmologist again. The truth is that even though the corrective surgery has improved your vision, it might have increased your chances of retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is serious and can affect your vision. An ophthalmologist can catch this early, thereby preventing vision loss. Corrective surgery also increases your chances of developing myopia. Our ophthalmologist can identify symptoms of these problems early with the goal of helping you long-term.

Is Your Vision Really As Good As You Think?

The thing is that humans are very adaptable. A small decline in our vision over time is something that we adapt to by unconsciously changing the way we do things. We might start sitting a little bit closer to the computer, we might put a book a little bit closer to our face, or we might squint a little bit, and all of this may make us believe that our vision has not changed, but it really has. This is one of the many reasons patients seek an ophthalmologist.

Contact Wichita Vision today. We offer a variety of services including LASIK surgery, dry eye treatment, glaucoma treatment, and more. If you are in the Wichita area, call today to ensure that care is given to your eyes.