
What to Expect Before and After Latisse in Wichita, KS

People turn to Latisse® because they are unhappy with the appearance of their eyelashes. They want their eyelashes to be thicker and longer. Some mistakenly believe that if they use Latisse® in the morning, by the evening they’re going to have long and thick eyelashes. The truth is that thick eyelashes do not grow overnight. It takes time. Most people see full results about 16 weeks after they first start using the product.

For best results, you need to strictly adhere to the instructions provided and use the product consistently every single night. If you stop using the product consistently, within just a few weeks, your eyelashes will go back to their previous appearance.

You should expect the following results when using Latisse®:

• Week 1: You start using the product with no change.
• Week 4: It’s possible you will see increased length.
• Week 8: You see increased fullness and increased darkness of your eyelashes.
• Week 12: Eyelashes are noticeably thicker and longer.
• Week 16: The full results of the product are visible.

What to Expect During Treatment

The growth process with Latisse® is gradual. The very first thing you’re going to notice is an increase in the length of your eyelashes. This will continue for a couple of weeks, and then your eyelashes will start to get thicker and darker. By the time week eight comes, most people are happy with the results. It is recommended that you not stop using the product and continue to use the treatment until you reach week 16. This is when Latisse® really shines. By week 16, your eyelashes will be as dark as they have ever been. You will notice the results, and other people will see them as well.

If you like the way your eyelashes look by week 16, then you may want to talk to us about whether or not you should continue to use the product. Some people experience side effects while using Latisse®. We will be able to talk to you about the side effects and give you tips on how to prevent them in the future. Many who have experienced the side effects do so because they do not strictly adhere to the instructions that come with the product.

A Product That Has Proven Results

Your eyelashes do an excellent job of highlighting your eyes. Thicker, longer eyelashes go a long way in improving your appearance. If nature did not give you the eyelashes you want, then give them a boost. Learn more about getting Latisse® treatments by scheduling an appointment at Wichita Vision Institute today.