
Address Wrinkles with BOTOX Injections

Are you bothered by the appearance of forehead lines, squint lines, lines between your eyebrows, or crow’s feet? If so, you should consider having a treatment with BOTOX®, one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the United States. This treatment is able to safely and effectively treat what are known as “dynamic wrinkles” that form as a result of certain facial muscle contractions.

What Is BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is a type of liquid injection that we deliver to temporarily relax the muscles forming dynamic wrinkles. It consists of a safe purified protein solution that is used in anti-aging applications, as well as for treating hyperhidrosis and migraine headaches.

How Does It Work?

The protein solution can be injected into a local area and remain there, rather than move throughout your body. In a few days, the treatment will block nerve signals from your brain to the facial muscles responsible for forming dynamic wrinkles like those on your forehead. Since the muscle cannot receive the brain’s message to contract, it cannot form a wrinkle in the area of the injection.

Are There Any Precautions I Should Take before My Treatment?

Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages for a minimum of 24 hours before your treatment, since alcohol can result in blood-thinning and adverse events. Similarly, avoid consuming anti-inflammatories for two weeks before your injections. Other medications can have blood-thinning effects like Advil, Motrin, ibuprofen, ginseng, and other types of herbal remedies.

What Areas Can BOTOX® Treat?

The treatment is safe and effective for the treatment of frown lines, crow’s feet, horizontal forehead lines, neck lines, and squint lines. Injections can also be delivered in other facial areas like for raising part of an eyebrow that is sagging, smoothing out dimpled chins, or lifting mouth corners.

How Long Does It Take to Work?

Patients sometimes notice initial effects within about 72 hours, but a full week may be needed to see optimal results. You may need to return after your initial injections for an assessment of your response.

How Long Will the Results Last?

Patients normally find that their BOTOX® injections last about four months. A typical treatment pattern is having injections from three to four times the first year and two or three times subsequently.

Contact Us

If you would like to experience for yourself what BOTOX® injections can do to eliminate dynamic wrinkles, we invite you to reach out to Dr. Reena Patel at the Wichita Vision Institute in Wichita, KS. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!