
What is LipiFlow?

LipiFlow® is an exciting treatment that can help you if you suffer from dry eye. It involves the use of a special device that applies thermal pulsation to your inner eyelid. This treatment heats the inner eyelid with a controlled amount of heat that cannot harm you. It is a procedure that causes little or no discomfort as it resolves a problem caused by blocked glands. Once heat is applied to the upper and lower eyelids, lipids are released into the eye, producing the moisture that has been lacking.

Why Choose LipiFlow®?

If you are struggling with dry eyes, you know how uncomfortable it can be. There are times when your eyes feel like they are on fire or you have sandpaper rubbing against your eyelids. It can make your eyes always feel like they are irritated. You can use drops to provide yourself some relief, but it won’t last. It can also get bothersome to stop what you are doing over and over again for your next dose of drops. LipiFlow® can offer you the relief that you have been craving.

Is LipiFlow® the Right Choice for You?

If you suffer from dry eye and it is getting in your way, think about LipiFlow®. You may be struggling with sensitivity to light or issues with night driving. Your eyes may blur at times. You may rely heavily on your eyes for your line of work, especially if you are on a computer all day long. Consider this treatment to help you feel better as your eyes become more lubricated again.

Find Out What LipiFlow® Can Do for You

To learn more about this treatment, you will need to make an appointment at Wichita Vision Institute. Dr. Patel will evaluate your eyes to determine the root of your eye problems. If it is determined that your eye glands are blocked, consider LipiFlow®.

Whether you are always rubbing your eyes because they are driving you crazy or you are tired of that scratchy feeling, LipiFlow® can make a difference. You owe it to yourself to learn more about another alternative besides eye drops. Drops may help for a temporary fix, but this treatment provides results that last. It gets to the root of your problem and offers you a natural solution as your eye becomes moist once again. You can put dry eyes behind you and stop feeling so uncomfortable. LipiFlow® can get your eyes and their natural lubrication process back on track.

Wichita Vision Institute is located in Wichita. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel!