
Relieve Your Dry Eyes with LipiFlow Treatment

Many of our patients suffer from dry eyes, and at times, the condition can be extremely irritating. When your eyes stop producing an adequate amount of tears, they’ll begin to dry out. If the condition isn’t treated, it can get worse over time. Fortunately, LipiFlow treatment may be able to relieve your dry eyes and give you a better quality of life.

The two main conditions that cause dry eyes are evaporative and aqueous dry eyes. Most people end up with evaporative dry eye because it’s a condition that is much more common than aqueous. This condition is caused by glands that become blocked, and the problem is referred to as Meibomian gland dysfunction. Once the ducts become blocked, a deficiency is created within your tear film, and you end up with chronic dry eyes.

If you’re having trouble living with chronic dry eyes, then LipiFlow can help, and as a revolutionary new treatment, it can provide direct relief for chronic dry eyes. When applied correctly, LipiFlow® can open and clear your blocked glands, and it will enable your body to produce the natural oils that are needed to keep your tear film supplied. Once it has restored proper tear functioning, you’ll enjoy complete relief from chronic dry eyes.

It’s useful to know what symptoms are caused by chronic dry eye because LipiFlow can provide relief for all of the symptoms. A few common symptoms are blurry vision, tiredness, irritation, constant tearing, itching, redness and discomfort.

With LipiFlow®, thermal pulsation technology is used to deliver controlled heat to the inner portion of your eyelid. While the heat is applied to your eyelid, the delicate structures in and around your eyes are protected, and LipiFlow® is capable of simultaneously treating both eyelids. Since the process doesn’t cause discomfort, you don’t need a local anesthetic, and many patients say the experience feels like a spa treatment.

If you’ve undergone LASIK vision correction and you’ve started experiencing the symptoms of chronic dry eyes, then you should benefit from LipiFlow® treatment. Eyedrops can give you temporary relief, but for long-term results, you need to consider this procedure. Depending on the results, LipiFlow® can significantly reduce or eliminate the need to use eye drops.

For many years, doctors assumed that chronic dry eye was caused from inadequate tear production, and they thought chronic inflammation was another major cause. Later, doctors discovered the root cause of the problem, and LipiFlow® was created to correct the real cause of chronic dry eye.

Make an appointment with Dr. Reena Patel at Wichita Vision Institute to learn more about this FDA-approved treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Wichita.