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Minimize the Appearance of Wrinkles with BOTOX

When you think of one of the distinguishing characteristics that causes a person to look older, what do you think of? Most people would say wrinkles. Wrinkles on the face come as a natural result of the aging process. Also, individuals may experience premature wrinkles because of exposure to the elements and sun damage. While some men and women accept their wrinkles, others choose to revitalize their appearance and keep their skin smooth. Thankfully, there are quite a few cosmetic procedures that are currently available, including BOTOX®, to help individuals manage visible signs of aging.

What is BOTOX®?

It is very likely that you have heard of BOTOX® as a way to relax dynamic wrinkles without surgery or downtime, but not everyone understands how it works. During a typical treatment, we will inject the medicated solution into targeted facial muscles. This relaxes the underlying muscle activity that contributes to visible wrinkles.

What Causes Dynamic Wrinkles?

Dynamic wrinkles appear for two main reasons. The first has to do with your normal facial expressions. When men and women frown, grimace, look surprised and have other reactions, these expressions can cause creases and folds to develop around the eyes and forehead over time. The second reason why dynamic wrinkles appear is because the muscles in the face contract more often as a person gets older, even if the person is not purposely making a facial expression. This is where dynamic wrinkles become a problem. 

You have likely noticed this on the face of individuals who are getting older, or even on yourself. For example, you may have noticed crow’s feet around your eyes even when you aren’t squinting. This is where BOTOX® can be beneficial. It is injected into the muscles at the outer corners of the eyes in order to relax them and leave the skin looking smooth.

Is BOTOX® Right for Me?

BOTOX® has been approved by the FDA to minimize the appearance of wrinkles. It has gone through many tests to determine safety and efficacy. Most people qualify for this treatment, but the best way to find out if it’s right for you is to schedule a consultation at our office and have your health, medical history, and aesthetic goals evaluated.

Contact Wichita Vision Institute today to schedule a consultation and find out how BOTOX® can minimize the appearance of your dynamic wrinkles around the eyes and forehead without surgery or downtime.