
Learn About our Diabetic Eye Care

If you have diabetes, you know that protecting your vision needs to be a priority. If the blood vessels in your retina are damaged by diabetes, you can experience loss of your vision. Complete blindness is a possibility. This does not have to happen to you. Keeping your diabetes under control is a step in the right direction. Taking good care of your overall health can also help you to protect your eyes. You also need to give your vision extra attention. Turn to us to help you to put your diabetic eye care first.

Plan a Visit with Us At Least Once a Year
It is essential that you see our diabetic eye care at least once every year to have a thorough evaluation of your eyes while they are dilated. Seeing an optician is not good enough to stay on top of the first signs of damage to your retina, otherwise known as retinopathy. Our ophthalmologist, Dr. Reena Patel, knows what to look for when it comes to complications caused by diabetes. Early detection is the best way to stop your retina from becoming severely damaged. You may not notice any kind of problem with your vision. However, early stages of retinopathy could begin without your knowledge. If our team of diabetic eye care professionals detect a problem, we can help you to save your vision. We’ll give you treatment recommendations, including:

  • Keeping your blood sugar under control with diet, exercise, and insulin
  • Prescribing medication to treat your eye condition
  • Laser Surgery
  • Vitrectomy, a procedure that drains the fluid in your eyes

Your individualized treatment plan will depend on your needs.

Turn to Us When You are Experiencing Any Type of Problem with Your Vision
You should never ignore concerns with your vision, especially as a diabetic. It could indicate a serious condition. If you are seeing double or your vision has become blurred, you need to come in and see our diabetic eye care team. If you notice sudden changes in vision or your eyes are painful, don’t hesitate to make an appointment. Pressure in your eyes is a symptom of a problem. If you see floaters, you should come in for an evaluation. We are here to help you to keep your vision. Do not let diabetes take your eyesight away from you. With proper care, you can continue to enjoy the gift of vision.

Make an Appointment with Our Diabetic Eye Care Professionals Today
If you have diabetes, you need a diabetic eye care team that understands all of the concerns that can affect your vision. Your regular exams with our professionals will help you to keep your eyes on track. If you are experiencing any kind of problems with your eyes, call us right away. Let us help you to put your eyesight at the top of your list. Make your appointment with the Wichita Vision Institute to meet with our specialist today.