
How Does LASIK Correct Nearsightedness?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a condition in which a person can see objects that are close up very clear, but objects that are far away are extremely blurry. This condition occurs because the affected person has an eyeball that is too long, or their cornea is excessively curved. Because of these abnormalities, light is not properly focused when it enters the eye. This, in turn, leads to objects that are far away to appear blurry. So, how does LASIK correct nearsightedness? Read on to find out.

If you are nearsighted, know that you are not alone. It is estimated that 30 percent of people in the United States have some form of myopia. Research says that nearsightedness is a hereditary trait. So if your family members have nearsightedness, it is likely that you will as well. Other research shows a link between nearsightedness and visual stress caused by working on objects that are too close to your face.

The most common way that people realize they have nearsightedness is when objects that are far away appear blurry. When you visit Dr. Patel, she will be able to give you an eye exam to determine if you do in fact suffer from nearsightedness.

Dr. Patel can help you determine if you have myopia using many different techniques. One common test involves reading letters of differing sizes from a chart. The purpose of this chart is to determine your visual acuity. The measurement is then written as a number. So if you have perfect vision, for example, then you have 20/20 vision.

Perfect 20/20 vision allows you to be able to see the smallest letter on the chart from around 20 feet away. In addition to the chart test, Dr. Patel will use different tools to determine what type of vision you have. One of these tools involves putting different lenses in front of your eyes and then measure how well your eyes can focus on light.

Once you have been diagnosed with myopia, the next step is determining how you are going to treat it. This is where LASIK surgery may be able to help. LASIK surgery for myopia is different than traditional LASIK surgery.

How can LASIK correct nearsightedness, as opposed to LASIK for other conditions? Dr. Patel will explain the full procedure to your during your consultation, but in general, the process involves removing tissues from the inner layers of your eyes. During the procedure, the cornea is folded back, exposing the soft tissue underneath. The laser then will remove just the right amount of tissue in the cornea to help reshape your eye. Once your eye is reshaped, the flap is put back over it in the proper position, and your eye is allowed to heal.

If you have myopia, you could benefit from LASIK. At the Wichita Vision Institute, Dr. Patel gladly helps patients in the Wichita area enjoy their best and healthiest vision. If you want to know more about the answer to “How does LASIK correct nearsightedness?” schedule a consultation with our office to find out.