
The Importance of Pterygium Removal

Your eyes not only allow you to see the world, but they also allow the world to see you. When people look at you, one of the first places they’re going to look to determine something about you from your appearance is your eyes. If you have healthy and clear eyes, you are seen as being in good health, attractive and well-educated. Conversely, if your eyes are cloudy or if there is some defect in your eyes, people may get a negative opinion about you. For this reason, it is important to take steps to address any medical issue affecting your eyes, such as the need for pterygium removal.

Pterygium removal is designed to eliminate excessive or abnormal tissue growth on the cornea and the sclera. This is the white part of your eyes. In times past, this surgical procedure would result in a whole lift in the surface of the eye from where the pterygium was removed. Unfortunately, for many people, this meant that over time the pterygium would regrow.

Modern surgical techniques address this issue by filling the gap in the conjunctiva left by the removed pterygium with tissue removed from another area. This tissue is then grafted onto the eye. This is a very effective treatment process.

Another option is an autograft procedure. During this procedure, clotting proteins that are normally found in the human blood are used to create a surgical glue. The grafted tissue is able to take root, and there is little to no discomfort during the procedure. In most cases, patients are able to go back to work or resume their normal activities just a couple of days after surgery. However, this depends on the unique situation.

The entire procedure is very simple. Your eyes will be completely numbed, but you will be awake. You will be aware of what is going on around you, but you just will not be able to see. The pterygium will be removed and replaced with graft tissue. It will then be glued into place.

The importance of pterygium removal cannot be overstated, especially when the condition is interfering with your everyday life. If you are dealing with symptoms such as redness, blurred vision, itching and dryness, make an appointment at Wichita Vision Institute to learn more about pterygium removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Wichita.