
Finding the Right Ophthalmologist in Wichita

Are you a Wichita resident looking for an ophthalmologist? If so, you understand the importance of maintaining good optical health. Good vision and healthy eyes do not happen by accident. There are many things that can negatively affect your eyes. Most eye diseases are progressive. The earlier they are caught, the easier it is to treat them and the better chance you have of maintaining your vision for the rest of your life. This is where finding a good Wichita ophthalmologist comes into the picture.

Dr. Patel, our ophthalmologist at the Wichita Vision Institute, will serve as a guide to help prevent permanent vision loss or permanent eye damage. She will work with you when it comes to deciding how to treat eye conditions and what steps you will need to take in the future to keep your vision at its best.

You should remember that ophthalmology, like many other forms of medicine, is divided into subspecialties.

Our ophthalmologist is going to be very involved in your overall health and well-being. This is because your eyes are impacted by other conditions you have. So if you have diabetes, Dr. Patel will need to know about it. If you have high blood pressure, Dr. Patel will need to know about it. Since you’re going to be revealing a lot of personal information about yourself to our ophthalmologist, you want to feel comfortable with them.

It is rare for a quality ophthalmologist to not have board certification. Board certification shows you that Dr. Patel is a specialist in her field. It shows you that she has the care, experience, and training to provide you with the medical care you need.

You may want to know about our ophthalmologist’s experience. Experience is important when treating eye conditions. Don’t be afraid to ask Dr. Patel how many patients she sees in a month who have the same issues that you are dealing with. Contact the Wichita Vision Institute today to schedule an appointment!