
Who is a Candidate for Botox in Wichita, KS?

While your parents or grandparents may have had no other choice but to accept the aging process for what it was and to just deal with it, you have options. You do not have to let wrinkles, facial volume loss, sunspots, and all of the other issues that come along with aging affect your appearance. You can fight the aging process and do your best to look your best no matter if you are just starting to show the signs of aging or if you have been dealing with these for many years.

Before an individual decides to use a cosmetic procedure in order to help them deal with the aging process, it is a good idea to learn about the pros and cons of each option. It is good to understand what certain products will do and how they can help you. BOTOX® is an extremely popular cosmetic procedure. In fact, it is one of the most popular procedures that are performed in medical spas, dermatologist’s offices, and other medical facilities in the United States and around the world. How do you know if you are a candidate for BOTOX® in Wichita, KS? We invite you to learn about this product below.

BOTOX® is a purified protein solution. When it is injected into muscles in your face, the muscles will relax. The communication between the nerves in the muscles is disrupted. You can feel confident using this product here in our Wichita office, knowing that the product is only injected in small amounts and in just the right places. This will allow us to relax certain muscles in order to help you deal with dynamic wrinkles.

This is a treatment that is only designed to help individuals who are dealing with dynamic wrinkles, at least when it is used for cosmetic purposes. How do you know if you have dynamic wrinkles? You can do a simple test at home. All you need to do is take a look at yourself in the mirror. Closely examine the wrinkles you have on your face. Are the wrinkles that you have there all the time? Or are they even deeper when you move your face around and make certain expressions? If your wrinkles become worse when you make facial expressions, you have dynamic wrinkles. So BOTOX® is a great option for you.

When you visit us for the first time here in our office, you are going to go through a short medical consultation. After the treatment, you can go right back to work or other activities you have planned. Contact Wichita Vision Institute today to schedule your appointment.