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Natural Foods That Help Improve Your Vision

The best prevention for eye issues and diagnosing underlying conditions is to schedule a comprehensive eye exam with Wichita Vision Institute. An ophthalmologist can assess your eye health and provide you with the best course of treatment to ensure the quality of your vision. Eye tests can determine not just changes to your vision but can detect the effects of eye diseases, stress and other underlying medical conditions such as hypertension.


The eyes are complex and require vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Research has concluded that certain vitamins can help prevent or slow the progression of certain eye diseases. Natural foods that help improve vision will not only help your body to feel better now but will help prevent age-related eye diseases by up to 25%. Foods rich in certain vitamins should be a part of your daily routine including Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamin A helps protect the cornea and acts as a barrier protecting against bacteria and infection. Carrots, spinach, tomatoes and other orange and yellow fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A can help prevent dry eye. While not a vitamin, zinc is an effective mineral that helps the body get Vitamin A to the liver to produce melanin, the pigment that produces color in the eyes. The body does not produce zinc naturally so adding a supplement or incorporating zinc rich foods will help maintain healthy eye function. Zinc rich foods include beef, pork, salmon, yogurt, fortified cereals, milk and eggs. Vitamin C is a great option for preventing cataracts as well as protecting the lens of the eye. Vitamin C rich foods include citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, berries and white potatoes. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the cells of the eye from free radicals that can break down healthy eye tissue and can be found naturally in carrots and sweet potatoes.

Other nutrients to add to your consumption include Vitamins B6, B9 and B12, riboflavin, niacin, lutein, zeaxanthin, thiamine and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for glaucoma patients as they decrease intraocular eye pressure, increase ocular blood flow and improve optic neuroprotective function. Omega-3 rich foods include fatty fish such as salmon or halibut, as well as eggs, seeds and nuts. Omega-3 rich foods help alleviate inflammation. They ensure that enough oil is secreted into the tears by the meibomian glands, which are found in the eyelids, to prevent tears from evaporating too quickly.

Mediterranean diets are highly recommended for eye health. Reducing alcohol consumption and sugar intake will also benefit not just your eye health but overall health. Managing blood sugar levels aids in maintaining a healthy weight and can even help guard against the risks associated with diabetes. Diabetes can have a severe and negative affect on eye health. Lastly, identify any food allergies. Common food allergens include soy, wheat, dairy and corn and can interfere with the immune system causing conditions that may negatively impact the eyes and harm vision.

For an overall eye health assessment and to discuss more ways to improve your health and its effect on your eyes, contact Wichita Vision Institute by 316-773-6400 or WEBSITE